The V89 Public Service Department (also known as the Continuity Department) specializes in the writing and preparing of public service announcements for continuous broadcast at designated times during V89 programming hours. The V89 Public Service Department offers this service free of charge to any non-profit organization, community organization, student organization, or individual interested in publicizing or promoting an event, organization, or related matter.

Public service announcements range in content from general information to promotion of an upcoming event, organization, or festivity. Although everyone is invited to submit a PSA (or the information for the fashioning thereof by our department’s staff of highly qualified writers), acceptance of PSA’s is dependent upon the non-profit and/or non-corporate status of the group or party submitting–a requirement WVFS 89.7 FM must impose in keeping with not for profit radio station guidelines.

Submit public service announcement information in any one of three different ways:

  1. Email us the request.
  2. Mail to:
    • Public Service Department WVFS 89.7 FM
    • Suite 420 Diffenbaugh Building
    • Tallahassee FL 32306
  3. Submit through our online form.
  • ALL information must be submitted a minimum of four weeks in advance to be considered for a Public Service Announcement. The sooner we get the information, the more time we have to write copy and get it on the air for you!

  • For a general announcement that is not time sensitive: for example, January-May 2014, or ‘until further notice’; general informational announcements will run until further notice unless otherwise stipulated.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    If applicable
  • :
    If applicable
  • Please include phone and email.
  • Please list dates the announcement should run, or a range if applicable.
  • Please include information about costs for participants, vendors, participants, etc. associated with the event. If no cost, please indicate no cost.